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Choose a better way for your sports teamwork


Ivan Trajkovic

Keep the athletes informed

Athletes' schedules tend to get very busy and not linear. Informing them of their schedule via messenger apps or in person does not transmit the information clearly and in an organized manner, especially when an important message gets buried in tonnes of messages exchanged daily.

There is a simple way around it. Manage their schedule using GameTime’s scheduler feature that allows you to manage events from your computer or phone. While the scheduling feature gives you comprehensive means to schedule events of any kind, it can be as simple as you need it to be. The only mandatory information to be entered is the type of event, who the event is for (entire team or selected individuals), and start/end date and time.

When using more comprehensive scheduling, you can define:

  1. What (the event is about): title and type,

  2. Who (is the event for): team or a selection team members,

  3. When (is the event taking place): repeat weekly until, on that day or selected days,

  4. Where (the event will take place): location type and location (with a map link),

  5. Notes/Goals (of the event): add any additional information or set goals, and

  6. Attach Files (of relevance to this event): images, streaming videos, and documents.

Additionally, when creating events you can keep your communication organized.

The best thing about it is that you can add as little or as much information as you find suitable. Of course, more is better, since the data you store in GameTime is always relational, and therefore GameTime provides you with insights into your data.

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